: January 17, 2006
Rohos Logon is computer security software that is specifically designed
to strengthen the security of the Windows computer logon process and keep
intruders out. Rohos Logon protects your personal information and data
with a Two-Factor Authentication technology by using USB flash drives and PIN code entry.
On the picture: Login option for USB flash drive that makes this user account accessible only via USB stick login. The regular Windows password that entered manually will be rejected. This feature makes two-factor authentication stronger.
How It Works?
- User connects USB flash drive at the Windows computer.
- Rohos Logon screen detects inserted USB device that is configured for logon at this computer. For this verification USB device number and configuration information from Windows regitry are used.
- Rohos Logon compares USB device fingerprint to sample already on file for the user to determine if there is a match. If there is no match, the USB device is rejected.
- Rohos Logon prompts user to enter PIN code.
User types a PIN code at the custom PIN entry Numpad and it is verified to be correct by Rohos.
- Rohos reads password information from USB flash drive and combines this information with data from local computer registry. Now user password is ready for actual Windows login process.
- The user name and password are verified to be correct by the Windows operating system.
- User is authenticated as an authorized user.
- User successfully accesses the computer's resources.
Install 30-day free trial
Rohos Logon Key - Smart and feature-rich Windows USB login solution.
Short description:
Rohos Logon allows to maximize the security and convenience of users accessing Windows, personalize your Login and save costs. Two-factor authentication support and easy to customize welcome screen.
Free Trial: Download 900 Kb, for Windows 2000/XP/2003
How to avoid reinserting USB stick...
One of the frequently asked question from ours users:
I haven't figured out if there's a way to leave the USB key plugged in, lock the workstation, then only use the USB key PIN code to unlock the workstation.
Can you please let me know whether this is possible? Or, do I always have to remove, then reinsert the USB flash drive in order to only enter the PIN code?
Yes, assuming that physical access to the workstation is secure, and You would like to be able to unlock the workstation by only typing in the simpler USB PIN code rather than the strong windows passphrase.
Here's how to do it:
- Lock your Windows by Win+L (or Ctrl+Alt+Del -> 'Lock Workstation'
button - if you have Win2k).
- Then to unlock click on the "Desktop is Locked" string. Rohos will try
to unlock Windows by USB key (and PIN code if it is).
Note: To use this trick you should first login via USB stick.
This works very simple and efficiently. No need to reinsert your USB
stick every time.
Related links:
Learn more about Tesline-Service GINA. Advanced Authentication module for Windows 2000/XP/2003.
The article cover conceptual information about GINA DLL module developed by Tesline-Service, USB flash drive identification mechanism, PIN code entry and product related issues.
How to increase password security with two-factor authentication.
A big lie of computer security is that security improves as password complexity increases. In reality, users simply write down difficult passwords, leaving the system vulnerable. Security is better increased by using two-factor authentication solutions.
Here's how to configure two-factor authentication for Windows and how it affects your Windows security.
How to setup your USB flash drive for Windows Logon.
The detailed step-by-step instructions on setting-up your USB stick for secure login (Auto-fill password from USB stick while logging in).
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