Now Rohos Logon Key provides robust security for stand alone or networked computers. From workgroups and even large organizations with hundreds of people accessing dozens of computers, Rohos Logon Key ensures the security of a enterprise network, the privacy of sensitive data, and user satisfaction.
Rohos USB Key Management utility.
If you have 10 or more users in your organization, you can use Rohos USB Key Admin management utility.

Manage USB keys for sign-in.
can issue USB login Keys for access into any computer in your organization;
Automatically uses license keys list.
Back up/Restore operations
to Backup and restore USB Key content (logon profile); Utility automatically names backup files and uses backup's folder.
PIN code security
Set up a PIN code for USB Key protection;
Roaming profiles
Create and use roaming logon profiles on a USB Key. This will allow you to login into any computer on the network.
Copy/Paste operations
Allows to copy/paste logon profiles between USB Keys.
Setup USB Key for Remote Desktop Login (RDP)
Copy Rohos Remote Login component into USB stick. Use this feature if you don't want to install Rohos into any computer you login from.
This Utility is FREE for orders of 10 and more licenses.
User profile on USB key:
Please note that you should correctly set up user profile on USB Key according to you network environment. You can do it with User profile Editor dialog:
Authentication into Windows Domain or Active Directory. Using a client computer or via Remote Desktop connection:
Domain field should be: "local computer name ";
- UPN format is supported (
- "Domain_name\User_name" format is supported for Windows Vista
Authentication into via Remote Desktop session (via Windows 2000/2003 terminal server):
Domain field should be: "Terminal Server computer name";
Domain field may be empty. This allows to use this profile for authentication into any computer/domain or remote desktop;
Rohos Remote Config Utility
This Utility allows the administrator (Active Directory) changing Rohos Logon Key on remote workstations.
Rohos Remote Config Utility main window
Shows the list of computers where Rohos Logon Key is installed
Edit Rohos Logon settings on a remote computer
Allows to edit logon profiles on a USB key connected to remote computer
MSI Package
Network Administrators can use MSI installation package to rollout pre-configured and registered (licensed) Rohos Logon Key software over all AD workstations/clients.
Benefits of Rohos Logon for networks:
Rohos Logon can be easily integrated into existing infrastructures. It offers native support for Active Directory, eDirectory ( with installed Novell Client), Microsoft Windows 2000/2003 and XP.
Security features:
Control access, giving only authorized personnel access, making data untouchable to all others, even upon theft.
Quick and secure logon / lock/ unlock process.
Automatic computer lock when USB Key presence is no longer detected.
No difficulty:
Rohos Logon can be easily deployed to provide secure environment and help your organization to meet regulatory compliance (HIPAA).
Download trial version:
USB Key Management Utility is a part of Rohos Logon Server Edition distributive that also includes Remote Access feature.